Born in 1986 in Charente maritime, Simone is a self-taught artist. She has been drawing since a young age. After high school diploma in literature - major in Fine Arts/Art History, she continued her studies at the University of Poitiers and then in Paris XII. Passionate about the human sciences and the body and brain works, she studies anatomy, cognitive psychology, psychopathology, neuroscience as well as sociology, sustainable development and management. Subjects that nourish his artistic work. She
now lives in Rouen.
Instagram : simonecestmoimagali.
Human beings, rites, habits and customs, social parades, tacit codes are all starting points for my artistic research work. Step by step, I search, I make mistakes, I continue, I understand, I evolve, I move forward... I try to thwart the will of social conventions with humor and poetry. The line is deliberately naive, the framing is absurd, the intimacy is mischievous. Simone, it’s me. The flat tint give an immobile character to the image, as if suspended in time. The bright colors contrast with this first intention. They are the “sound of painting”.
Collective exhibition at the erotic drawing fair "Salo XII", Paris, 2024
Personal exhibition “Batik”, Pillsgallery, Rouen, 2023
Art installation "Le Rado", Nautil'art Festival, Rouen, 2023
Collective exhibition at the erotic drawing fair “SALO XI”, Paris, 2023
Duo exhibition "Bien dans ses pompes", “128 bis”, Sotteville les rouen, 2023
Duo exhibition "Ma drôle de vie", Bourgtheroulde’s Hotel, Rouen, 2023
Duo exhibition "A recadrer", Galery Racaille, Rouen, 2023
Collective exhibition "Amour IV", PlateformeParis, Paris, 2023
Duo exhibition "Lâcher prise", Kern'up, Rouen, 2023
Personal exhibition "La clé des champs" - La Base, Rouen, 2022
Duo exhibition "Deux doigts pas plus!" - Le Shameran’s pub, Rouen, 2022
“Preums” Festival , CACA-Centre d'art contemporain d'Angoulême, 3rd Prizewinner, 2021
Collective exhibition "La bouille en fête", , La bouille, 2021
Collective exhibition at the erotic drawing fair "Salo IX", Paris, 2021
Duo exhibition "Ligne d'eau - Piscine 1", Pons, 2021
2022 Mural, les Bâtineurs, le Petit Quevilly (76)
2022 Participatory Mural, Centre socioculturel André Malraux , Rouen (76)
2022 Illustration for ABCD Bookshop, Rouen (76)
2005 Illustration for “Solidarity movies festival”, Saintes (17)
2004 Illustration for musical festival “les fadas du barouf”, Pons (17)
2023 Chairwoman of Pillsgallery
Artistic projects: design and coordination - Cultural programming and exhibitions - Management -
Artistic workshop
2019-2023 Director of community centre
Artistic projects: design and coordination: Drawing festival "L'Artishow", Multidisciplinary artistic
Festival "La Frontera"