Sara Alves was born in the town of Ovar, in the Region of Aveiro, where she still lives.
In 2016 she obtained a Master 's Degree in Contemporary Artistic Creation in the University of Aveiro. Her initial training was in Fine Arts - Painting by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, in 1998.
From 1997 until today she has participated in individual and collective exhibitions.
Her most important one was the participation in the International Festival of Street Arts – “Festa '16” (2016) with her site-specific project “Boundaries of the Water Lines“ where one of her installations - "Lines Above the Water" - became a permanent work , and of public domain, in the Municipal Library of Ovar. During her Master's studies, between 2014 and 2016, the motivation for investigating drawing in contemporary arises and since then this is one of her areas of investigative work process. Through experimental processes of drawing in space, she articulates concepts with artistic practice that motivates her to question and reflect on the position of drawing in the present time.
Currently, she is an assistant professor, invited by the Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu (Superior School of Education of Viseu) in the Department of Visual Arts and Multimedia where she teaches Painting and Drawing and she is a teacher(since 1998) of the school subject group of Visual Arts of the Ministry of Education of Portugal.
Web: https://saraalves.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artist_saraalves/