Activities // AiR Programme 3.0


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The Curators Committe in Rouen Have selected for the residence in « La maison Pressée »:

Nadiia Velychko (Lviv)

I’m Graphic designer, visual artist, curator, PhD, teacher of Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, expert of the Ukrainian Cultural Fundation, from Kharkiv, Ukraine. For me, art is a universal language of communication and research, which has no borders and is understood in all countries. It is particularly important to raise social issues for discussion and to involve the viewer emotionally. Until 2022, I worked mainly on environmental issues. But since the start of Russia’s massive inva- sion of Ukraine, I’ve been focusing on questions of postcolonialism and national identity. I began, of course, with my own experiences of the war, but then broadened my vision of the problem. I study the causes and consequences of the war in Ukraine, the historical origins of this crisis and the theme of decolonization. Today, the main subjects I work on are the global cultural crisis, decolonization, the information crisis and the crisis of democracy.

Charlotte Attal (Rouen)

Charlotte Attal is a graphic designer and artist. Graduate from ENSAD (National School of Decorative Arts of Paris) in 2020, she lives and works between Rouen and Paris. In 2018 she studied at the Fine Arts of Taipei National University of the Arts in Taiwan, which allows it to develop an artistic outlook associated with your practice graphic designer. In 2019 she trained with the designer Malte Martin who introduced him to the notions of transmission and pedagogy in the field of social design. Today she continues to collaborate with him within the collective Traveling Words. His post-diploma AIMS (Artist Speaker in School Environment) will confirm his interest in creation educational workshops and artistic projects. His work is part of research on the theme of identity through signs and graphic languages. Various projects emerge from this reflection, particularly around decolonization, plurilingualism, heritage and creolized writing systems. Today his search leads him to meet different territories, in order to to continually question the role of the designer in the face of cultural, social and political issues of our time in contemporary graphic design.

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