(Nacido en Guimarães, Portugal, en 1985) Se graduó en Gestión de Patrimonio en Oporto en 2012 y actualmente está terminando su Máster en Creación Artística Contemporánea en la Universidad de Aveiro. Sus obras utilizan distintas herramientas y métodos tanto de las artes plásticas como multimedia, y todas se caracterizan por la búsqueda de un lenguaje sencillo que atraiga al opuesto; así recorrerán el camino incierto a través de la percepción sensorial. Últimamente ha participado en 'SOCCOS-The Sound of Culture – The Culture of Sound', una residencia artística en Bruselas (mayo y junio de 2016); 'Inpossível – com n... entrar na possibilidade', una exposición internacional de obras académicas desarrolladas en las Azores (agosto 2016).
August 2014 – present: Senior Technician of the CHECK!N (APDES) project; I started to work in this project as a volunteer in 2008 and during that period, I participated in the following events: Andanças, Paredes de Coura summer festival, NeoPop, Boom Festival, La Notte Rosa (Rimini, Italy) Tranzhumance Teknival (Timisoara – Romania) and others; during the latter, I was in charge of the assessment of the NEWIP’s European team. Mainly focus in harm reduction practices including psychoactive substances interventions for youth, college students, and a variety of other adult interventions.
April 2014 – July 2014: Senior Technician of Digital Library Management at the Culture Property Department of Porto’s diocese.
May 2013 – December 2013: Researcher at the Centro de Inovação e Investigação em Ciências Empresariais e Sistemas de Informação (CIICESI) of the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Felgueiras (ESTGF), in the ambit of the Rota do Românico project.
January 2010 – January 2012: House Manager at the Vila Flor’s Cultural Centre, in Guimarães.
April 2012 – June 2012: participation in European Capital of Cultural 2012 activities (Guimarães), more specifically, in the Production and Organisation of the event “Entre Comissários e Curadores – os Artistas e os Livros”.
October 2013 – October 2010: member of the military, specialised in Radio/Communications; I also worked as a Geriatric Assistant at the Instituto de Acção Social das Forças Armadas – Centro de Apoio Social (Porto); I earned a commendation