Ana Kovačić was born 1986. in Zagreb, Croatia. In 2010 she received her Master’s Degree at the Department of Sculpture at the Fine Arts Academy in Zagreb, Croatia and in 2013 she received her Master’s Degree at the Department of Animated Film and New Media at the Fine Arts Academy in Zagreb, Croatia. Since 2013., she is a member of Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) and since 2014. a member of Croatian Freelance Artists Association.
2016/2017 - fellowship at Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany.
2011 - London Metropolitan University, London, UK.
University of Ulster, Belfast, UK.
2009 -Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, USA.
Solo exhibitions:
2017 -Where is home, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart.
For the people passing by, VN Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.
Gatherings, Žitnjak studios Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.
2016 - Where is Jasenaš?, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.
Where is Jasenaš?, Multimedia cultural centre Split, Croatia.
2015 - Where is Jasenaš?, Virovitica city museum, Virovitica, Croatia.
2013 - 1:1, exhibition space Popup, Osijek, Croatia.
Untitled (with Igor Ruf), , Plevnik-Krokowska Gallery, Celje, Slovenia.
1:1, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2011.
Untitled (with Igor Ruf and Krešimir Katušić), Antun Augustinčić Gallery, Klanjec, Croatia.
2010 -Scene first – reconstructions (with Igor Ruf), Vladimir Bužančić Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.
2009 -Kind of space that time turns into, Miller Gallery, Indiana, PA, USA.
Group Exhibitions:
2017 -Radoslav Putar award, MMSU Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
2016 -Žitnjak stories, Žitnjak studios Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.
Networked Encounters, Dalmacijavino Winery, Jelsa, Croatia.
Erste fragmenti, Kranjčar Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.
T-HTaward@msu.hr, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia.
2014 -In the rhythm of touch, Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb, Croatia.
2013 -Young, younger, the youngest, Žitnjak studios Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.
Essl Art Award, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia.
2011 -Extraction, Space gallery, Pittsburgh, USA.
BokBok, Miroslav Kraljević gallery,Zagreb, Croatia.
2010 -Hoerbinger showroom, Vienna, Austria.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Artist Image resource (AIR), Pittsburgh, USA.
Awards and accolades:
2017. -Nomination for Radoslav Putar award.
2016 -Works in the collection of Erste&Steiermärkische bank.
Nomination for award for contemporary art T-HTaward@msu.hr
2015 -Prize on Vizura Aperta festival, Momjan, Croatia.
2013 -ESSL award nomination 2008.
First award on "Creative perspectives“ competition for atrium of FFZG (with Igor Ruf).
Web: https://www.anakovacic.com/