2016 DSRA (post graduation) on going, ESACM
2016 Member of Leviathan research group.
2015 Secretary of Les éditiopns de l’Intercalaire.
2015 Member of L’intercalaire research group.
2014 - 2016 Founder, editor and radio host of Alphaville on Radio Campus.
2014 - 2016 Founder member and resident at La Cabine, art studio in Clermont-Ferrand.
Incomming in 2018 - Duo exhibition in L’attrape-Couleurs, art center in Lyon (FR) With Remy DROUARD, opening 26.05 to 22.07
2017 - Wisdom of lies, Art Villa Garikula, Akhalkalaki (GE) Curator: Natalia Jashiashvili
Remonter le fil, ESACM, Clermont Ferrand (FR) Curators: Coopérative de recherche
2016 - Walipini with Tiphaine Calmette L’agence, Paris (FR)
Vision, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR) Curators : Stéphane Sauzede, Ninon Duhamel
Do Disturb 2, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR) Curator: Vitoria Mataresse
Les enfants du Sabbah 17, CAC Le Creux de l’Enfer, Thiers (FR) Curator: Frederic Bouglé
Albédo 0.39, La Cabine, Clermont-Ferrand (FR) Curators: La Cabine
2015 - Seconde, La Cabine, Clermont-Ferrand (FR) Curators: La Cabine
Les apprentis #1, Forum des Carmes, Clermont-Ferrand (FR) Curator: Philippe Eydieux
S’allonger sur une ombre, Home Alone, Clermont Ferrand (FR) Comissariat: Bruno Silva
2014 - Up on the 5th floor, Federation House, Manchester (UK) Curator: Kathryn Miller
2013 - Paris 1955-1965, Galerie Spéciale, ESA, Paris (FR) Curators: Simon Boudvin
Y aura-t-il encore de l’art en hiver, Belvédaire du Rayon Vert, Cerbère (FR) Curator: Katerine Vonna Zürcher
Web: https://esupacm.wixsite.com/abarrot/cv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/antoine_barrot/