I immerse myself in the fabric of everyday life to create a narrative that resonates with the social concerns of the moment. My focus lies in fusing technological innovation with artistic expression to explore, innovate, and transcend the boundaries of conventional discourse. I generate experiences, inciting reflection and debate, promoting transformative movements within our society.
“White Light" exhibition at the Rey Chico art center. Granada. 2020
“Through my guiri eyes | Disheveled" audiovisual piece selected for the DEMO 2022 festival in the Netherlands, playing on 5000 screens in public spaces across the country for 24 hours. Netherlands. 2022
“A ojos de un guiri | Desmelená” exposición en el metaverso de DEMO 2022. Holanda. 2022
“NFT Universe” 5 animated pieces as NFT digital art for PolyOne, launched and projected in the millennial citadel of Erbil (UNESCO World Heritage Site). Erbil and New York. 2022
“NFT Universe” Exhibition at the PolyOne art space in Manhattan, New York. USA. 2022
“Utopian flaws” awarded best audiovisual project at 5P | Andalusian Design Awards by AAD - Andalusian Association of Designers. Andalusia. 2022.
“Utopian flaws” selected for the WE:NOW International Youth Art Festival. Madrid. 2022
“Utopian flaws” awarded best project in artistic creation at the III Ateneo de Granada Awards. Granada. 2024
“146.574 m²” selected for development and implementation as an intervention at the José Guerrero Center in Granada in the next edition of El Cuarto Lúcido. Project with Argider Aparicio. Granada. 2024