Darija Jelinčić (Zagreb, 1979)
Se graduó en Sociología en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de Zagreb. Durante la carrera, también estudió fotografía en el Estudio de Diseño de la Universidad. Durante 12 años en Praga, Darija estuvo trabajando en su desarrollo fotográfico, descubriendo la larga y rica escena fotográfica checa. Darija combina en su trabajo, sus dos intereses, la sociología y la fotografía, utilizando una fascinación personal por la naturaleza y la cultura humana en su expresión fotográfica. Darija ha expuesto su obra en Londres, Colonia, Aveiro, Kaunas, Zagreb, Praga, San Francisco, Austria, Grecia y Taiwán. Es miembro de la Asociación Croata de Artistas Plásticos y de la Asociación de Artistas Independientes Croatas.
“Me gustaría investigar cómo el paisaje afecta la cultura y el medio ambiente. Me interesa la presencia del espacio y la experiencia, así como la intuición relacionada con él. Leí que uno de los significados vallisoletanos es “valle de aguas”, refiriéndose a la confluencia de ríos en la zona. En el centro de la creación de este proyecto estaría la investigación artística de los dos ríos que desembocan en Valladolid y su significado para tu ciudad. Me interesa el hecho de cómo la confluencia de dos ríos determina el comportamiento de las personas que viven aquí, la sinergia entre la vida de la naturaleza y las personas, narrativas peculiares y simbólicas de la vida. Me gustaría insertarme en el paisaje del río y reflexionar sobre lo que me da a mí y lo que le da a las personas que conviven con el paisaje y cuánto es importante esta convivencia en sus narrativas de vida.”
Darija Jelinčić was born in Zagreb, Croatia. She graduated with Master degree in Sociology at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. During her studies she enrolled photography as an elective course at University's Design Studio. During 12 years in Prague Darija continue to work on her photographic development, discovering the long and rich Czech photographic scene. She naturally combined these two interests, sociology and photography, using a personal fascination with human nature and culture n her photographic expression. Darija has exhibited her work in London, Cologne, Aveiro, Kaunas, Zagreb, Prague, San Francisco, Austria, Greece and Taiwan. She is a member of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists and Croatian Freelance Artists Association.
"I would like to research how does landscape affect culture and evironment. I am interested in presence of space and experience as well as intuition related to it. I read that one of the Valladolid meaning is "valley of waters", referring to the confluence of rivers in the area. At the centre of this project creation would be the artistic research of the two rivers, that flow into each other in Valladolid and their significance to your city. I am interested in the fact how the confluence of two rivers determines the behaviour of people who live here, the synergy between the lives of nature and people, would like to insert myself to the river landscape and reflect on what it gives to me and what gives to people who coexist with the landscape and how much is this coexistence important in their narratives of life".
2013 # Workshop with VII Agency photographer Antonin Kratochvil, Spain
2011 # Workshop with VII Agency photographer Franco Pagetti, Spain
2008 # Master degree in Sociology, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences, Croatia
2004 / 2006 # Faculty of Architecture, School of Design – Photography classes,
Zagreb University, Croatia
2003 / 2005 # Human Rights seminar, Fruška Gora, Serbia organized by NGO
Human Rights Belgrade; Balkan Bus, Denmark organized by Danish NGO Next Stop;
Summer University, Novi Sad, Serbia organized by various Danish and Serbian NGO’s
2018 # Life Framer – Human body – shortlisted
2018 # Life Framer – Faces of life – Editors' pick
2017 # Magnum Photography Awards – top rated
2016 # Lens Culture – highly rated and selected for Annual Competition Gallery
2015 # Lens Culture Emerging Talent Award – top rated
2015 # Tokyo International Photography Award - Finalist
2015 # Barcelona International Photography Award – Finalist
2015 # IPA – Home – Honorable mention
2014 # Tokyo International Photography Award – Finalist
2013 # IPA – One Shoot – Honorable mention
2012 # IPA – “Escapes” – Honorable mention
2012 # WPGA – Portraits&People – Honorable mention
2012 # WPGA – Invisible World – Finalist
2011 # IPA – “Boxing” – Honorable mention
2011 # IPA – “A brand new day” – Honorable mention
2017 # NT Photo gallery, 6 photographers 6 countries, Cologne, Germany
2016 # Selected for Featureshoot online gallery
2015 # Fringe Festival, London, UK
2015 # video projection BIPA at Valid Photo Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2015 # Fouladi Project Artist Exhibition at Fouladi Projects Gallery, San Francisco,
2014 # “Be/Longing“ –group exhibition at Fouladi Projects Gallery, San Francisco,
2013 # “Woman” group show at Integration Centre Prague