DAVID HERGUEDAS (Valladolid, 1977)
Works on transdisciplinary interactive environments and research about the relationship between audiovisual, printmaking, exhibition spaces and stage spaces.
In 2018 he presents the performance Meshe 0, with Stéphane Gaultier y Mano Cattier, on the second edition of “Pot au feu” Performance festival in ENSAPC de Paris-Cergy. In 2019 he takes part in the collective exhibitions: «Sonimages» (with the spatialized sound installation EA ) with Charline Corcessin at IRCAM Centre Georges Pompidou in París and Counter Histories of a Continent, at Alliance Française Cultural Center in Lagos, Nigeria.
In 2021 publishes his first cd «Humano Automático» in Vestíbulo, publishing house of the art collective Néxodos and presents with Julio Mediavilla, ‘Machine’ in Nexo990
(ancient slaughterhouse of Monzón de Campos (Palencia). In 2022 until now he develops "Humano Automático" as audiovisual project in different venues with collaborations with several musicians, being "Midrar" with Abdelfettah Ashimdat, the current one. "Midrar" mixes Gnawa traditional music with progressive electronics, sound art and abstract live visuals produced with no computer.