Exhibits and installations:
- Solo exhibit: ‘Graphic Context’ in Taberna Morgan (Valladolid) and Local Cambalache (Oviedo) since 2017, still in active.
- Plastic Instalation set for ‘Wladyslaw’ within ‘Tonal 2016’ music festival at LAVA (Valladolid), videoclip by the photographer and video artist JC Quindós.
- Plastic Instalation ‘Spider’s Cave’ within the European Program CreArt: Artist in Residence in Kristiansand (Norway) in 2015.
- 6 Collective exhibits with ‘Guardar Como’ group itinerating around Castilla y León’s community centers between 2018-2013, the last one in collaboration with ‘Amnesty International’, still in active (currently in Zamora).
- ‘Agua VA’ Collective exhibit of underground illustrators of Valladolid in Café Beluga in 2016.
-BIDI codes exhibit at shopping windows in Valladolid for ‘European Day of Artistic Creativity’ with CreArt in 2015 and 2016.
Studies and other works:
-Graphic Designer at ‘Strawberry’ (Hull, UK) within Leonardo Programme in 2014 and at ‘Agenda Comunicación’ (Segovia, Spain) in 2008-09.
-Collaborations as illustrator with underground publishing houses (‘Ramalazo’, ‘Colectivo Satélite’, ‘La Criminal’, ‘La Madeja’...).
-Bachelor’s degree in Illustration & Graphic Design in ‘Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Segovia’ 2005/08 and in Advertising in 2004/10- Universidad de Valladolid (Campus de Segovia).
-Goethe Institut - Deutsch Zertifikat B1 in 2013. / UCO (Angers, France), ISCEA- Info&Com. within Erasmus Programme in 2010-11 /Upper Intermediate English Course in 2003 at King’s College London (University of London) Regional Scholarship for students with ecellence in English.
Volunteering and causes:
Volunteer in “Titirimundi” (International Theatre and Puppets Festival in 2008 as street area coordinator and in 2007 and 2006 as artist’s assistant at indoors space in Zuloaga Museum and Palacio Quintanar.
Web: https://efinat-saez.wixsite.com/leel
Instagram: instagram.com/elenafinatsaez/?hl=es