The main subject of the work of Garance Alves is the concept of second skin. She is interested in any object linked  with the body, such as fabric and garments. The latter are considered as vehicles for fragments of stories.

She also implements protocols which could almost be considered as sociological. She asked different people to participate.

She tries to create inversed portraits.She invites the spectator to have a look at some personal belongings and then to imagine the owners.

The concept of space is also present in her work in various ways. We can observe a simultaneous definition of the body by space and space by the body.

She also tackles the notion of space through memory, the memory of a body at a specific moment while moving. Thus this is a visual fixing of a past action.

This attraction for space and body naturally led her to dance. She tries to capture the movement and transcribe it visually.



2017   Master in Drawing with honors, École nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre,

           Brussels, BE

2015   Bachelor with distinction (Diplôme National d’Art Plastique), Ecole Supérieure d’Art

           de Clermont Métropole, Clermont-Ferrand, FR

Group exhibitions

2017    Les Recombinants, online exhibition and projected in the Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain de Marseille (ART-O-RAMA), La Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, FR

            C&D - Callirohé et Diboutadès, La Vallée, Brussels, BE

            Nu, With the complicity of Frédéric de Goldschmidt, Bussels, BE

            Festival nos yeux grands ouverts, Centre Artasia, Paris, FR

            Se fendre la gueule, Hôtel du Département, Clermont-Ferrand, FR

2016    La couleur en mouvement, Maison des expositions, Cébazat, FR

2015    Paysages, Maison des Comtes, Orcet, FR


2017     Second award for the video Fragments in Festival nos yeux grands ouverts, Centre

             Artasia, Paris, FR


2017     Plus qu'un nébuleuse avant la fin, Collectif fanzine, Editions de la Maquerelle

2016     Par-delà des forêts toutes noires, Collectif fanzine, Editions de la Maquerelle

2015     Le mal des mers, Collectif fanzine, Editions de la Maquerelle


2017    CreArt workshop with Katarzyna Kozyra in Lublin, PL

            Drawing with Aleksandra Chaushova, BE

2016    Drawing with Céline Gillain and David de Tscharner, BE

2015    Video with Régine Abadia, FR

2013    Video with Jean Teddy Phillip, FR

2012    Color with Nicolas Guiet, FR

            Drawing with Emmanuel Régent, FR

2011    Drawing with Abdel Kader Benchama, FR

Training, assistantship

2017    Assistantship of Elodie Antoine, visual artist, Brussels, BE

2014    Engraving training with Michel Brugerolles, visual artist, Clermont-Ferrand,FR

2013    Training on the shooting of short film 15 francs, des fleurs et une culotte de Maude

            Garnier produced by Offshore, Clermont-Ferrand,FR

2013    Training on the shooting of short film Rechute de Jérôme Nunes produced by les Films

             de Force Majeure, Clermont-Ferrand,FR

