Photographer, Graphic designer


Accademia Ligustica di belle arti di Genova 2018 up to now Field of study: Progettazione Artistica per l'impresa

Art university of Tehran 2008-2013 Artistic Photography


Institute of art, Tehran, Iran 2009-2010 secretary

Fadak Company. Tehran, Iran 2010-2013 Art director, Editorial graphics

Artin institute of Art, Tehran, Iran 2012-2014 Analog photography teacher

Freelance Photographer, Tehran, Iran 2009- up to now Event photography, Advertising photography, Editorial, Artistic conceptual photography

Graphic designer freelance, Tehran, Iran 2018 up to now Creative communication and branding, illustrator

Fajr Festival of art, Tehran, Iran Second position in photography, Nature section

Fajr Festival of art, Tehran, Iran Third position in illustration section


