Hugo Paquete (1979). He is currently studying a PhD in Music Science "Music as Culture and Cognition" at the New University of Lisbon. He previously studied a Master's Degree in Contemporary Art Creation (UA, 2014) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts and New Media (ESAD.CR). He has participated as a resident artist in the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, IMA | Institute for Music & Acoustics in 2011 and 2018. He has collaborated in projects awarded with the artists Julijonas Urbonas and Chris Zigler, Prix Ars Electronica Festival 2010, XIV Festival of Medium Arts of Japan (Tóquio, 2010) Media Festival, Live 2011 Grand Prix ( Turku, Finlândia). He frequently participates in national and international artistic events. He has presented his works in: MAD: Museum of Arts and Design, exhibition "Sonic Arcade: Shaping Space with Sound" organized by radio Radius, New York, (2017), In-Sonora VII. Sample of Sound and Interactive Art. REINA Sofia Museum, Madrid, Spain 2012. / Audiorama / Ars Acustica 4, Stockholm, Sweden. 2012. / SoundGate - A part of Port2010, Kunsten Museu, Utzon Center and Platform4, Denmark, 2011. / 39- Imebconcours internationaux de Bourges Musiques electroacousticiques et arts electroniques 2009 -France / Zeppelin 2009 Sounds of power / Listening to fear. Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona -Spain / DAW Festival 07, Computação Zurich Center. And others.
In his research uses concepts about space, noise, error, glitch and micro-tonality as a visual and audible impermanent ecosystem according to spatial and Post-digital conditions. In his works he uses technical elements and practices from field recording, computer generated sound synthesizing, hardware hacking, acousmatic music, audio spacialization and performance. Denoting interest in art and technology interceptions, stochastic probabilities between computer algorithmic, sound signal modulation and programming interaction with software and object oriented composition and performance.
Web: https://about.me/hugo.paquete
Tumblr: https://hugopaquete.tumblr.com/