Ivana Ognjanovac is an independent fine arts professional with a master degree in painting.
Since 2008 she has been a member of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU) and since 2014, member of the 22C ICAA (22C International Creative Artists Association). She is exhibiting her work at solo and group shows inland and abroad, since 1999. She has carried out two projects within residential programs: 'Inside Zone' in Borsec, Romania in 2015, and 'Paradis' at CreArt's residence in Kristiansand, Norway, in 2016. In 2012 she was awarded the 1st Prize of the Triennial of Self Portrait in the Prica Gallery, Samobor.
She lives and works in Zagreb.
Member of Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) since2008
Member of World Culture Artists Association (WCAA) since 2014
2008 MFA at Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia
2006 semestral students exchange at Universitatea de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2002 graduated from School of Applied Arts and Design, Zagreb, Croatia
Solo exhibitions (selection):
2018 'Škola za nebo/ School for heaven', Pikto Gallery, Zagreb
2016 'Međuovisnost/Interdependence 1', Gallery Razvid, Zaprešić, Croatia
2015 'Babe i žabe'/ 'Frogs and Grandmothers', SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2014 'Nastajanje/Nestajanje'/ 'Appearing/Disappearing', Oblok Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2013 'Sasvim osobno/ Completely personal', VN Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2013 'Kuća ima rogove pa opet selimo /The house has horns so we're moving again',
Gallery Događanja, Zagreb, Croatia
2009 'Dioba/Division', Gallery Molekula, Rijeka, Croatia
Group exhibitions(selection):
2018 '20th International exhibition of miniatures', Pro3or Gallery, Belgrade
2017 '20th International exhibition of miniatures', Novi dvori, Zaprešić, HR
2016 'Blood And Honey Under Your Tongue', open studio in Ekserhuset Kristiansand,
2016 'Memories', New Space Arts Foundation, Hue city, Vietnam
2016 '1st International exhibition of miniature in Kursalon', Kursalon, Lipik/ City museum
Pakrac/Format C, Osijek, Croatia
2016 'OSTEN Biennial Of Drawing', Osten Galerija, Skopje, Macedonia
2015 'CRTOMAT! The Little Festival Of Illustration And Cartoons', City museum, Virovitica,
2015 '4th ARTUM', City museum, Umag, Croatia
2015 'Exhibition Of Recent Members Of Croatian Association Of Visual artists', HDLU,
Zagreb, Croatia
2015 'InsideZone', Casa de Cultura, Borsec, Romania
2014 '22nd 21C ICAA Seoul International Art Festival 2014 Harmony', South Korea
2014 '5th Biennale Of Illustration', Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb, Croatia
2012 '2nd Triennale Of Selfportreits', Gallery Prica, Samobor, Croatia
1999 'Children's Global Vision', (INSEA), Queensland, Australia
Residencies and colonies (selection):
2018 'Yurta And A Lake', Bel-Tam, Kyrgysztan
2016 'CreAir' Kristiansand, Norway
2015 'InsideZone' Residency in Borsec, Romania
2012 'Aquarels on scaffolding', Samobor, Croatia
2005 Art colony Plemenitaš, Plemenitaš, Croatia
2003 Art colony, Jelsa, Croatia
Web: https://ognjanovac-suljak.wixsite.com/projects
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivanaognjanovac/?hl=es