Javier Carrera Álvarez. Valladolid 1988
Higher degree in Illustration and graphic design from the School of Arts of Valladolid. 2008
University degree in fine arts from the Complutense University of Madrid. 2014
Co-founder of the artistic collective Espacio Matrioska. Ourense 2015
Ka Project. Mural painting based in India and Nepal with the UCM and Visva Bharati University
of Shantiniketan. West Bengal India. December 2015 – March 2016.
Artistic residency in the M Cube Gallery. Patán, Nepal. 2016
Chitrakar project about painting and oral tradition, in collaboration with the Complutense
University of Madrid (UCM). Pingla, West Bengal India. 2016
Artistic residency in Miscelanea Foundation. Cholula, Puebla. Mexico 2018
Artistic mural project on the walls of Andén 47. Valladolid 2017 and 2019
Mural intervention. International Mural Festival ASALTO. Zaragoza, Spain 2017
Art exhibition in La Atomica Gallery with Cinta Arrivas. Valladolid 2017
Mural intervention. Espacio de Luz. Valencia 2018
Mural intervention on bill board “8x3 project” Valladolid. 2018
Video art documental “CUCO.mpeg” in CreaVa. Valladolid 2018
Mural interventions in Miscelanea Foundation. Cholula, Puebla. Mexico 2018
Mural intervention en la universidad de ZHDK de Zurich. 2019
Mural Intervention in Distrito Vertical Festival. Valladolid February 2020
Mural Intervention “Arco y Columna” in CreaVa Festival. Valladolid November 2020
Web: https://cucoismy.name/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuco_cuco_cuco_cuco/