Education: BA (Hons) Textile Design, Falmouth University, United Kingdom
Job experience: Millinery assistant in 'Holly Young Millinery'
Excerpt from the proposal:
The aim is to create a long continuous sculpture, that mimicks the purpose of a spine but suggests a much more decorative, detailed and complex visual interpretation of it. This artpiece can serve as a contemporary jewelry item or as a gallery instalation. Natural qualities of spines and other interlocking structures will suggest the methods of construction of the piece. The combination of contrasting features of beads (shiny/matt, smooth/textured, long/short/, soft/sharp) as well as the unnatural colour palette will be used to create an otherworldly and mystical visual effect.
Web: https://www.kotrynalenkdesign.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kotrynalenk_design/