LENA SCHABUS (1990, Passau)
2011 - 2019 Study B.A. & M.A. , University of Regensburg,
Fine Arts and Aesthetic Education, Media Studies, Art History, IT apprenticeship for students alongside studies
(Web Design and Web Tools, Markup Languages, Graphics and Image Editing)
2023 Debutante funding 2023 Free State of Bavaria
3/2023 Finalist Photographic Art 16. Arte Laguna Prize Venice
8/2022 Working stay as a guest artist in the studio of Nina K. Jurk / Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei
2021 Scholarship Programme of the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts / Bayern Innovativ
9/2021 Artist in Residence: AiR Platform Danube Region via donumenta with Budapest Gallery in Budapest (HUN)
2020 Julius F. Neumüller Scholarship
1/2020 Artist in Residence: Residency programme of the EU project kultur|kontakt|kreativ with DEPO2015 in Pilsen (CZE)
2018 Sparda Art Prize, Amberg
10/2018 Artist in Residence: International Scholarship Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus with NOUAISON residence d' Artistes in Pujols (F)
Since 2017 Studio grant of the Foundation of Art and Culture Oswald Zitzelsberger
2016/2020 Art prizes of the Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg of the 90th annual show and 94th annual show
Image composing is an artistic technique similar to photomontage, in which photographs are edited, collaged and changed in such a way that they are sometimes indistinguishable from a real picture. And yet the final works have a subtle, disturbing effect, as they do not reflect the given reality, but rather speculative, alternative realities or even dystopian visions of the future. The loss of nature determines the tenor of these works. It is always first man himself who shaped nature according to his own needs, whose achievements then take on a life of their own and ultimately prove destructive by overgrowing the scenery. The interventions and legacies of civilization can be seen in many ways, but does the humanity that is responsible for this even still exist?
I have a fascination with surreal future scenarios that often tend towards dystopia; industrial plants, streets, prefabricated buildings, high-rises, the densification of urban life. I would like to find new themes from you and distort and exaggerate them in new works so that a credible depiction of your environment is created, but the recipient is encouraged to take a closer look and reflect through disturbances and logical breaks. As an artist in residence, I would like to explore the city's architecture and, in particular, its industrial culture with my camera. During my visit to the Ars Electronica Festival this year, I found out more about the steel production of voestalpine AG and think that it would offer exciting motifs for me. But the work of BASF and other chemical companies could also be interesting, but I am also happy about possible motifs that the Salzamt team associates with my work. At the end of the residency, I would be very grateful for the opportunity to exhibit the work created and am always happy to do an artist talk or Instagram takeover.