Marcin Ryczek, photographer originated from Lublin. Marcin Ryczek’s works have been presented at many exhibitions in Japan, USA, Germany, China, Holland, Romania, India, England, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Serbia, Czech Republic, South Korea.
The photographer also had two exhibitions in his hometown of Lublin. His works are currently exhibited at the Center for the Meeting of Cultures (Centrum Spotkania Kultur) in Lublin.
They have been published in the world’s largest magazines, newspapers and websites, including „The Guardian”, „The Telegraph”, „Der Spiegel”, „Yedioth Ahronoth”, „La Repubblica”, „Politiken”, „Athens Voice” and „National Geographic”.
His photographs are often used in the publications by well known Polish reporters, including Wojciech Jagielski and Piotr Kłodkowski.
The most recognizable work of the artist – „A Man Feeding Swans in the Snow” – awarded in prestigious, international competitions – was included in the renowned collection of Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris and in the collection of the Silesian Museum in Katowice.
In 2013, the influential American portal „The Huffington Post” recognized it as one of the five best photographs in the world. In 2017, it was featured on the cover of David Gibson’s book „100 Great Street Photographs”, which confirms its extraordinary popularity.