Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė (b.1975) is an artist and the Head and Associate Profesor of Textile Department, Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius Academy of Arts. Since 2013 she is a member of the organizational committee of the Kaunas Biennial. She has curated and managed a number of local, national and international exhibitions and projects, including a major Kaunas Biennial post-industrial project “Text[ile] routes” and a Norwegian and Lithuanian textile exhibition “10 x 10 = 100% Jacquard”. Her focus is on building international relations between artists, organisations and cultural operators through interdisciplinary art projects, artist promotion and networking.
Web: http://www.gabrielegallery.eu/en/monika-zaltauskaite-grasiene-3/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monika.grasiene