Petra Mrša was born 1985 in Croatia. Graduated Photography at the Academy of Dramatic Art, Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Psychology at Croatian studies. She had 10 solo and 30 group exhibitions. Her work is part of the collection of the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, Zagreb City Museum and presented by the contemporary Croatian photography platform. She has been working as an assistant at the Photography department at the Academy of Applied Art at Rijeka University for two years.
Selection of solo exhibitions:
2017 Changing conditions, changing minds, Gallery PM/ Expanded Media Gallery, HR.
2015 Rehearsing family, Art Workshop Lazareti, HR.
2015 What do you see when you close your eyes?, Photo Gallery Lang, HR.
2014 Balkans brides project, Petra Mrša, OKO i Martina Miholić, Hoxton Gallery, London, UK.
2013 New school, Savignano Immagini festival, Savignano sul Rubicone, IT.
Selection of group exhibitions:
2017 Last one out turn off the lights, Gallerie L’inlassable, Paris, FR.
2017 Fine del nuovo: Compra, vendi, compra, vendi…,Villa Di Toppo Florio, Udine, IT.
2016 Meer teilen: share more, Shedhalle in Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld, CH.
2016 VIG SPECIAL INVITATION, Ringturm, Vienna, AT.
2016 There is something about my family, FOTODOK, Utrecht, NL.
2016 Different Worlds:Young Contemporary Photography, Foton- Center for Contemporary Photography, Ljubljana, SI.
2015 Grad na drugi pogled, Museum of modern and contemporary art, Rijeka, HR.
2014 24. Slavonski bijenale, Museum of visual arts, Osijek, HR.
2015 Rehearsing family, Museum of modern and contemporary art Rijeka, HR.
2013 New school, Pazzini editore, Villa Verucchio, IT.
Awards/grants/residencies/professional experience:
2017 Residency, Cité Internationale des Arts Paris, FR.
2017 Residency Spaces between land and water, organized by Silvia Maria Grossmann (Künstlerhaus, Vienna) and HDLU Zagreb, Lošinj, HR.
2017 Initiator and organizer of international art workshop with public presentation The island is our gallery, HR.
2016 Residency and grant for Buen vivir project curated by Harm Lux, CH.
2014 - 2017 Author and realization of art workshops, talks and events taking place in: Hoxton gallery London, International school of Paris, Organ vida.2017- Open show Zagreb, Museum of modern and contemporary art Rijeka, Foto klub Rijeka, Foto galerija Lang Samobor, Arhiv Tošo Dabac Zagreb, Academy of applied art Rijeka, Academy of Dramatic Arts Zagreb, Meštrović Pavilion Ring Gallery, HR.
2014 - 2016 Assistant of Photography at Academy of applied art, HR.
2014 - 2016 Couch for Art Photography in Private art gymnasium, HR.
2015 Winner of the VIG special invitation, ESSL art award, HR 2014.
Winner of the Ex aequo, 24. Slavonski biennale, HR.
2014 Residency Punta arta - Otočka karta 2, curated by Marina Viculin, Zlarin, HR.
2013 Residency and grant for realizing exhibition, IS_land II, curated by Saša Božić and Petra Hraščanec, HR.
2013 Assistant at Hoxton gallery, London, UK.
2012 Winner of the Best portfolio at Savignano Immagini Festival, IT.
2012 Winner of the Special award for young authors at Rovinj Photodays, HR.
2011 Winner of the Special award for young authors at Rovinj Photodays, HR.
2005/2006 Winner of the Chancellor's Award, University of Zagreb, HR.
Web: http://petramrsa.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petramrsa/?hl=es