[2019 - PRESENT]
Doctoral Student of Art History [specialization in Art Theory]
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal
[2015 - 2019]
Master in Art History and Master in Portuguese Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
[2011 - 2015]
Bachelor in Art History and Bachelor in Portuguese Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
[FEB 2019 - SEP 2019]
Portuguese Language Teacher
Three Gymnasiums in Zagreb: II., VII., XVI.
[JUL 2018 - PRESENT]
Associate and Culture Writer
Portal Vizkultura, Zagreb
o Texts and interviews with visual artists
[JAN 2017 - MAY 2017]
Croatian Language Teacher on V.O.L.C.A.N.O. project
Dante - Adult Education Institution, Rijeka
o Teaching Croatian language to asylum seekers (180 hours, level A2)
o Organized two field classes (historic center of Zagreb tour; visits to museums)
o Developed and conducted a teacher workshop On Cultural Diversity and Teaching at Folkeuniversitetet in Oslo (Norway)
o Prepared a Green Paper with recommendations to the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the integration of asylum seekers and asylees
[OCT 2016 - OCT 2018]
Student Assistant at Gothic Art Course
Department of Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
[MAY 2015 - PRESENT]
Independent Curator
Galleries: Vladimir Nazor Gallery; HDLU; Živi Atelje Dajht Kralj; f8 Gallery; Pikto Gallery, Zagreb
o Organization of exhibitions, curatorial concepts, writing forewords, accompanying programs (11 exhibitions)
Glorija Lizde, Becoming, Galerija Događanja, January 21 - February 4, 2020
Mia Maraković, Corner, Živi Atelje Dajht Kralj, December 5-8, 2018
Glorija Lizde, F20.5, HDLU, September 4-9, 2018
Tomislav Hršak, Anja Leko, Vesna Salamon (Rohaček), Temporary, Vladimir Nazor Gallery, July 11 -August 12, 2017
Toni Mažuranić, Miles and Miles of Perfect Skin, Pikto Gallery, April 5-19, 2016
[FEB 2015 - DEC 2017]
Volunteer with Asylum Seekers and Asylees
Center for Peace Studies (CMS), Zagreb
o Integration and education (developed and conducted workshops on Croatian history and art)
o Organized free museums visits and guided tours
o Developed and conducted sensitization workshops for the public (> 5)
[SEP 2014 - PRESENT]
Associate in the Center for Portuguese Language
Instituto Camões, Zagreb
o Assistant to Soraia Lourenço, President of EUNIC Croatia in 2017
o Organizing events to promote Portuguese culture in Croatia (> 10)
o Coordinating the introduction of the Portuguese language as an optional course in several gymnasiums in Zagreb (school years 2018/19 and 2019/20)
[C1] English Certificate CEFRL, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb
[C1] Portuguese Faculty Diploma, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb
[A2] German Certificate of Goethe Institute, Zagreb
[2020] Social Dialogue or Class Antagonism: the Relationship Between Capital and Labor, Regional Industrial Union, Zagreb
[2019] Peace Studies, Center for Peace Studies, Zagreb
[2018] Curators Seminar What is to Curate an Exhibition? Presenting the Past, Narrating the Present, CreArt & Municipality of Aveiro, Portugal
[2018] Creative Critical Laboratory: Feminist Theories and Practices, Academy of Fine Arts & Center for Women's Studies, Zagreb
[2018] Political School for Artists, Curatorial collective [BLOK], Zagreb
[2019-2020] Gender Politics and the Art of European Socialist States: 1945-1989
Participant in the doctoral research seminar, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
[2017-2019] WWII Concentration Camps Memorialization
Participant in the research workshop, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences & SF:ius, Zagreb
Petra Šarin, Sara Kekuš, Davor Konjikušić, »The Role of Visual Narrative in Constructing the Image of Migrants - Call for Solidarity or Depoliticization of the Masses?«, in: Kamen na cesti: Granice, opresija i imperativ solidarnosti, Zagreb: Centar za ženske studije, 2017, p. 114-123.
Petra Šarin, Maddalena Avon, Ana Ćuća et al., Alternatives to Immigration Detention: Overview of EU Practice with Recommendations for Model Development in the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb: Centar za mirovne studije, 2017
Petra Šarin, »Female Nudity in Classical Antiquity: A Gender Perspective in Greek Classical Art«, Kontrapost 11 (2016), Zagreb, p. 38-45.
Presentation at conferences (choice)
[2019] P. Šarin, Feminist Interventions in the Croatian Art After 2000: The Problematic and Critical Positions. Croatian Society of Art Historians (DPUH), Zagreb
[2017] P. Šarin, T. Novak, Culture of Fear: Fear of the Other. Analysis of Discourse on Migrants in the Croatian media. Literary and scientific conference with international participation 'Days of Marija Jurić Zagorka', Center for Women's Studies, Zagreb
[2017] P. Šarin, Implementing Intercultural Education Models in Working with Migrants. 2nd International Scientific Conference on Adult Education 'Developing and Understanding Professional Identity of Adult Educators', Dante - Adult Education Institution, Rijeka
[2017] P. Šarin, A. Tomljenović, The East in the Shadow of the West: The Problematization of (In)visibility and the Issue of the Representation of the 'Former East' on the Art Scene after 1989. Berlin Global History Student Conference, Freie Universität, Berlin
[2016] P. Šarin, A. Tomljenović, Change of Curatorial Practice in the 1970s in Yugoslavia on the Examples of Exhibitions in the Student Centers in Zagreb and Belgrade. Regional Student Conference 'Literature and Art in Yugoslavia: (dis)continuities (1918-1992)', Art History Students Club & Club 128, Belgrade
[2019] Special recognition of Center for Women's Studies in Zagreb for the master's thesis Feminist Interventions in the Croatian Art After 2000: the Problematic and Critical Positions (mentors Jasna Galjer, Ph.D., and Josipa Lulić, Ph.D.).
[2019] Winner of the Fernão Mendes Pinto Fellowship of the Camões Institute in Lisbon.
[2019 - PRESENT] Member of Zagreb Anti-Fascist Network (MAZ).
[2018 - PRESENT] Member of the Marxist Feminist reading club Fematik.