Brindisi, Italia 1993.
The focus of her research is the phenomenology of time and space, both natural and virtual. She's interested in the relativity and temporariness that these categories wield on the human sphere. She creates her works by experimenting with different types of media like photography and videography, using different programs and technical resources, or by creating and transforming different materials, from natural fibres to photosensitive pigments, creating sculptures and installations of ephemeral nature, characterized by constantly changing shapes. The theoretical corpus of reference blends relativistic theories and subjective experience. Therefore, her work displays itself in an eternal and transitory present. In the continuous alteration, which is a consequence of the employed materials, and in the quick change of the vision of the world itself, she invites the viewer to take notice of the residual traces that the fragility of the work highlights. At the moment, she attends the last year of specialization in Painting at Academy of Fine Art of Lecce.
2019-2020, winner of the scholarship for the second edition of the advanced training course in visual arts and contemporary culture at Pia Studio in Lecce.
2019, attendance at the fourth edition of Palermo Summer School of Contemporary Art, visiting prof. Helen Cammock, Valentina Bonizzi, Driant Zenelli, by Daria Filardo, Stefania Galegati and Davide Ricco.
2018-2019, attendance at the first edition of the advanced training course in visual arts and contemporary culture at Pia Studio in Lecce.
2016-2017, first level diploma in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce with a result of 110/110 with honours.
2012, qualifying examination for the graduation from Liceo Artistico Edgardo Simone (now T. Monticelli-E. Simone), Brindisi.
2011, graduated from Liceo Artistico Edgardo Simone, architecture section (now T. Monticelli-E. Simone) with a result of 100/100.
2019, Coast to Coast with Vittorio Comi and Stefania Galegati, Palermo and Lecce.
2019, Belay, performance by Baseera Khan, Pia Studio, Lecce.
2019, Riflessioni - MXD (3’12’’ - 57’05’’), performance with the professor of digital applications in art Gianluca Russo, Academy of Fine Arts, Lecce.
2019, Semplicemente Corro with Giovanni Gaggia, by Tommaso Evangelista for the project parco senza confini, Palazzo De Donno, Cursi (Le).
2018, Scultura Sonora with Antonio De Luca and Michele Del Prete, Academy of Fine Arts, Lecce.
2014, Il Giudizio delle Ladre, by Luigi Presicce and Maurizio Vierucci Oh Petroleum, Roman Theatre, Lecce.
2020, Baitball (01) “I’ll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for you”, by Like a little disaster, Palazzo San Giuseppe, Polignano a Mare.
2019, In divenire-maestri e giovani artisti dialogano, by Carmelo Cipriani e Franco Contini, Civic Museum of Contemporary Art, San Cesario di Lecce, Lecce.
2019, fourth edition of the “Giuseppe Casciaro” award by Luigi Guglielmo, Multipurpose Centre, Vignacastrisi-Ortelle (Le).*
2019, IX Festa del miele, by Alberto Vannetti, Masseria Millefiori, Cisternino (Br).
2019, Accademie, by Francesca Arpino, MAAAC Cisternino (Br).
2019, Burn the bridge, by Pia Studio, Lecce.
2019, Brutally Early, by Pia Studio, Lecce.
*exhibitions with catalogues and other documents
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grassi_serena_/