Stefano Bucciero was born in Brazil and grew up in Italy, where he holds a MFA in Visual Art and Graphic Design at “Accademia Ligustica” of Genova. His works are reportage on the hidden beauty of the world. Photography use allows him to play on contrasts in order to add mysterious, solitude and melancholy or even unreal touch to the images.
Among the main exhibitions, he has participated in 2009 the “National prize Bruno Munari” at “La Triennale di Milano”Design Museum, curated by Gillo Dorfles and Silvana Annicchiarico. In 2016 his works was exhibited in Portugal, Norway, Lithuania during the European exhibition “Notes on Tomorrow” curated by Luisa Santos and coordinated by “CreArt Network of Cities for Artistic Creations”. In 2018 take part at workshop “The use of photography as a sculptural material” organized by HDLU Hrvatsko Drustvo Likovnih Umjetnika/Croatian Association of Artists and coordinated by Kristian Kozul and Lea Vene at MSU Museum of Contemporary Art of Zagreb
His portfolio is available at DOCVA (Documentation Center for Visual Arts) in Milan and at “Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa” in Venice.
Currently works on independent projects, mainly in the field of architectural photography, and UNESCO cultural heritage.
Exhibition, workshop and seminar
What would happen if? The choice to build an alternative future
Curated by Pietro Della Giustina and Luca Gennati.
CreArt exhibition: What would happen if? The choice to build an alternative future is a multidisciplinary project that encourages participating artists and collectives to explore the historical, contemporary and social facts that construct the contemporary realities of their places of residence. The exhibition is a creative territory that works as a multi-layered science-fiction novel, freely depicting possible alternative futures, natural phenomena and individual-collective memories. History is written through moments of rupture with the past that result in changes in our ways of living. Yet, rather than being a critical revision of history, the exhibition aims to formulate new histories.
Artwork: Metropolis (2020)
By Jorge Peligro with the collaboration of Stefano Bucciero
19 Febbraio -17 Marzo 2021
Sala del Munizioniere e Cortile Maggiore. Palazzo Ducale, Genova.
Curated by Stefano Bucciero
Exhibition dedicated to the European project of cultural cooperation, CreArt (Network of Cities for Artistic Creation) works and testimonies of European cities and public and private cultural institutions
Sala Dogana, Fondazione per la Cultura Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy.
Pinksummer Contemporary Art, Genova, Italy
Framed in the context of “Filling the absence” with artworks of Yona Friedman and Peter Fend curated by Andrea Canziani and Emanuele Piccardo with the contribute of Elisa R. Linn & Lennart Wolff
Skopje International “Seminar for Curators” The art galleries and their work with local artists
Director and Lecturer:Natali Rajchinovska Pavleska, MA, PhD candidate
Guest Lecturer: prof. Dr. KirilPenushliski
3-5 October 2019
Daut Pash Hamam, Skopje (North Macedonia)
Conference “How to Deal with a Shotgun that Backfires: Art in the Era of Post-truth, Conspiracy Theories and Negationism”
Project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union
23 – 24 September, 2019,
Galeria Labirynt, Lublin (Poland)
Workshop What’s Up - Giovani progetti per una città che educa
Curated by Uff.Informagiovani, Palazzo Ducale Genova
Workshop “The use of photography as a sculptural material”
by HDLU Hrvatsko Drustvo Likovnih Umjetnika and CreArt Network
Coordinated by Kristian Kozul and Lea Vene at Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia.
Call of art Curated by Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti di Genova, Genova“LIGHTS THREADS” Projection mapping installation at Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti di Genova, Genoa, Italy
Premio Fondazione Casa America 2017 "Le Americhe: tra sogno e realtà"
Curated by Andrea Gualco, Fondazione Casa America and Fondazione De Ferrari
Palazzo San Giorgio, sede Autorità Portuale, Genova
REFRESH Contemporary Art Festival
Curated by Consulta degli Studenti dell’Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti di Genova
Coordinators: Silvia Giuseppone e Giulia Sacchi
Galleria Arte in Porto “Marina di Genova” - Villa Rossi Martini, Genova
What’s Up – Giovani progetti per una città che cambia
Curated by Uff.Informagiovani, Palazzo Ducale Genova
ALBA DADA - Notte delle Arti
Conceptual Photography installation “Diorama”
Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti Genova, Italy
Palazzi dei Rolli - Photo Contest
curated by Prof. Arch, Giancarlo Pinto Avv. Gabriella de Filippis
Centro Di Cultura, Formazione e Attività Forensi Polo della Fotogra a e Facoltà di Architettura Genova, Italy
CreArt Exhibition “Notes on Tomorrow”
curated by Luisa Santos
Aveiro, Portugal at Galeria da Antigua Capitania
Kristiansand, Norway at X-House
Kaunas, Lithuania at Meno Forma and Ars
LX Contemporary Art Prize “Basilio Cascella”
“Obsolescenza Programmata” Photography
Curated by Associazione Atlantide
Pasquale Grilli and Alessandro Passerini
Sala Eden, Salone Espositivo di Mondialcar Ortona (CH)
Lab Dogana “La Storia in Piazza”
Show VR360° Virtual Reality Cardboard Sala Dogana, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy
Mostra…mi 200 Artisti
curated by Fondazione Garaventa Genova Cultura
Palazzo della Nuova Borsa, Sala delle Grida, Genova
Micro2, Microbo mostra itinerante piccolo formato
curated by Anna Epis and Aldo Torrebruno
Sala Esposizioni San Giuliano Milanese, Milan, Italy
Spazio Contemporaneo Carlo Talamucci, Milan, Italy
Galleria l’Acanto, Milan, Italy
San Carlo Borromeo, Milan, Italy
Rocco Basciano Art Gallery, Milan, Italy
Circuiti Dinamici, Milan, Italy
Associazione Sassetti Cultura, Milan, Italy
Non InfortunArti
Inail - Direzione Regionale Liguria
Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti, Genova (GE)
Adotta un Artista
curated By Ass. ColorInscena
Assessorato Cultura e Politiche per i Giovani
Uff.Cultura e città e Patto sviluppo Maddalena
Loggia Banchi, Genova, Italy
Bottega in Scia Stradda,Genova, Italy
ARTquake Emilia l’arte della Solidarietà
curated by Alberto Agazzani
Zonta Club International, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna Musei Civici,Reggio Emilia (RE)
Fratelli d’Italia
curated by Gennaro Ippolito e Giovanna Donnarumma
Linea d’Arte O cina Creativa, Napoli (NA)
Human Right Exhibition 2011
curated by Roberto Ronca and Debora Salardi
Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, Rovereto (TN)
curated by Barbara Vincenzi
at Studio Iroko, Milano (MI) with Tortona Creativity, Milano
Drawing Connections
curated by Miriam Grottanelli
at Siena Art Intstitute, Founded by Paul Getty III, Siena, Italy
Human Right Exhibition 2010
curated by Roberto Ronca and Debora Salardi
Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, Rovereto (TN)
La Favola e il Sogno
curated by Floriana Vittani
Ass. Artisti con il Cuore, Sanremo (IM)
Premio Nazionale Bruno Munari
curated by
Gillo Dorfles, Elena Fontanella, Silvana Annicchiarico
Fondazione DNArt
La Triennale di Milano Design Museum
Teatro Agorà Triennale Milano, Milano, Italy
curated by Mario Benvenuto
BAG Borsa Arte Giovane Genova (GE)
Loggia Banchi, Genova, Italy
Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti Genova, Italy
Web: https://www.stefanobucciero.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insideimmagine/