Vitar Drinković was born in 1983. in Zagreb. Received his MA in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2008, then in 2014. he finished the MA course in New Media also at Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Participated in the international student exchange program and studied one semester in Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA in 2006., and in 2013. participated in student exchange- collaboration program between ALU and the London Metropolitan University.
Currently he is exploring the creation of circumstances for changes in perception. Using various apparatuses, inventions and installations as mediators in communication, Drinković creates a new context for sensory awareness of everyday life. He exhibited in 13 solo and 49 group shows in Croatia, Germany, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Austria, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, USA and Canada.
Group exhibition shortlist: “Tesla – mind from the future” HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia, “The 51. Zagreb salon of visual arts; Challenges to humanism”, Gallery Bačva, Zagreb, Croatia, “Extravagant bodies; crime and punishment”, Pogon Jedinsvo , Zagreb, Croatia, “Device art 5. 016”, Eastern Bloc, Montreal, Canada, Design district festival, Zagreb, Croatia, “Networked encounters”, Dalmaciavino factory, Jelsa, Croatia, “12th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture”, Gliptoteka, Zagreb, Croatia, “Device art 5.015”,Gallery Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb, Croatia, “32. Youth salon”, HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia, “Touch me festival: Time”, Gallery Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb, Croatia, “Ostrale: Homegrown”, Dresden, Germany, “11th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture”, Gliptoteka, Zagreb, Croatia, “Ways of explainig artworks”, gallery PM, Zagreb, Croatia, “Huntenkunst”, Doetinchem, Netherlands, “10th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture”, Gliptoteka, Zagreb, Croatia.
Received awards and commendations: 2012. Prize at INA d.d. and ALU, INA Energy competition, 2007. winner of the competition on the theme „Movement“ by the Agency for Commercial Activity( AKD), 2006. ,academic council commendation for successful work in the academic year 2006, recognition of Excellence in Academic Achievement and Qualification for the Deans List- Indiana University of Pennsylvania- for academic semester Spring 2006, Certificate of recognition: International achievement award ( IUP), Special rector of the Zagreb University award for the project „ Jelsa-punta 2005“, 2005. grant of the University in Zagreb, academic council commendation for successful work in the academic year 2005., 2004. government grant of the Ministry of science, education and sport.
Member of Croatian Association of Artist ( HDLU ) and Croatian Freelance Artists Association ( HZSU ).
Exposiciones individuales
2019. EP 2.1, Galería MKC Split, Croacia
Digitalni rendez-vous numérique (con Nicolas Clauss), Instituto Cultural Francés, Zagreb
Feedback 1.2, Galería Šira, Zagreb, Croacia
2018. Ceguera de las plantas, Galería 90 60 90, Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Croacia
Comentarios, Museo de Bellas Artes de Split (dentro del proyecto "Katamaran art"), Croacia
Comentarios, Gallery Kravata, Jelsa, Hvar (dentro del proyecto „Katamaran art“), Croacia
Ceguera de las plantas, cueva de Grapčeva, Hvar (dentro del proyecto „Etno hvar festival: second home” Exposición dual: Memoria viva (con Julie Tocquille), Porte 10, Rouen, Francia
2017. Evolución de la percepción 2.0, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croacia
Experimentando la máquina (con Goran Škofić), Galería Vladimir Bužančić, Zagreb, Croacia
Venta de exposición, Galería laval Nugent, Zagreb, Croacia.
2016. Evolución de la percepción 1.3, Sótanos del palacio de Diocleciano, Split, Croacia
2015. Evolución de la percepción, parte 1, Galería Karas, Zagreb, Croacia.
Evolución de la percepción 1.2, Galería Atelieri Koprivnica, Koprivnica, Croacia
Miedo y asombro, Boonika, Zagreb, Croacia.
Verticales antiguas (con Vojin Hraste y Milena Lah), Galería Sv Krševan, Šibenik, Croacia
2010. TerminArtor, Gallery Nano, Zagreb, Croacia
Estructuras de pensamiento, Galería Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb, Croacia
2009. Arquitectura del inconsciente, Gallery Salon Galić, Split, Croacia
Recapitulación de eventos pasados, Gallery Circle, Rijeka, Croacia
2008. Fragmentos de una mente de cera, Galería Modulor, Zagreb, Croacia
Web: https://www.vitardrinkovic.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vitar_drinkovic/