Activities // Open Calls

The art galleries and their work with local artists. CreArt Seminar for Curators in Skopje


03,04 and 05 October | Skopje


The art galleries and their work with local artists

Through the exploration of local art practices, in a joint interdisciplinary discursive thinking, followed by exhibiting examples, we will try to locate the local or globally recognizable contextual and artistic conditions in which art thought is generated.

Main points of problematization

  • Art between words - After the dialogue
  • Local artistic practices, local or global conditions
  • Contextualization of artistic production
  • Defining types of exhibitions, independent, group, retrospective, engaged art – what does it mean for curator?

Program and workshop director


Natali Rajchinovska Pavleskа

Natali Rajchinovska Pavleskа is an architect and art critic. She graduated at the Faculty of Architecture, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, with analysis and project "Center for scenic and visual arts, Macedonian National Theater plateau in Skopje”. Her master thesis was on "Conceptual art in the work of Marcel Duchamp, Joseph Beuys and Art & Language from the beginning to the end of the 20th century", at the Institute of Art History and Archeology, module of Contemporary Art, Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Currently she is a doctoral student at the Interdisciplinary studies of Theory and Humanities at the Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University in Belgrade, Serbia. Her current academic research includes theoretical and transdisciplinary analysis related to contemporary artistic practices in diverse social and institutional contexts. She is an active and critically involved author who publishes texts reflecting on the contemporary art scene at home and abroad. Usually, her writings convey an analytical approach, are often set in relation to current trends in theory and making use of interdisciplinary methods. She has contributed in public debates, art and literary conferences and symposiums in Skopje, Belgrade, Venice, and Berlin.

In addition, Rajchinovska Pavlevska has authored introductions in catalogs of group and solo exhibitions and participated in the creation of the visual concept of several national and international art exhibitions. As part of the curatorial team, she was engaged on preparing the concept and representation of the Republic of North Macedonia at the 15th Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2016, with the “No Man’s Land”, Project By the way-vital and lively art (co-curator and art hystory)


National Gallery of Macedonia Daut Pasha Hamam

The National Gallery of Macedonia, founded in 1948, is the oldest fine art institution of its kind in the Republic of North Macedonia. It is located in the cultural-historical monument of Islamic profane architecture, Daut Pasha Hamam. The building is composed of a male and female part with a total area of 900 m2, built by Daut Pasha in the second half of the 15th century. The establishment of the Art Gallery was a response to the need for the art scene in the Republic of North Macedonia to be enriched with an expert institution in terms of affirmation and presentation of the Macedonian contemporary art.

Participants  and  selection  criteria

The seminar is open to local curators and artists – born or resident- in any of the cities taking part in “CreArt. Network of Cities for Artistic Creation”:  Aveiro [PT], Clermont Ferrand and Rouen [FR], Genoa and Lecce [IT], Kaunas [LT], Katowice and Lublin [PL], Liverpool [UK], Skopje [MK], Valladolid [ES], Zagreb [HR].

Curators and artists should have a degree in Arts, Curating or related areas or at least one year work experience in a museum/galley environment. 



Organization covers the travel expenses [up to 600 €] and accommodation, except for the participants from Skopje.

Organization offers subsistence [meals] to all participants during the workshop [03th to 05th October]

Participants should attend all sessions of the seminar



The on-line Application form must be submitted online before  15th August 2019:

The following documents are required: 

• Name, address, telephone number and email address

• Scanned copy of identity card or passport

Curriculum vitae 

• Reasons for taking part in the seminar - (  Send a short text for a Proposal –Exhibition (expected titled) max. 500-word. It is considerable for the exhibition and artist(s) to be from local or another familiar context)



The director of the workshop, Natali Rajchinovska Pavleskа , will select a maximum of 20 curators and artists. The decision will be announced on or before the 31th August 2019

Curators and artists selected will have to confirm their participation until August 25th. Once this period has passed, organization will appoint next in the list. There shall be no right of appeal against the decision announced by the director of the seminar and the Organization [CreArt]. The participation in this work means the acceptance of this Call. 

Organization reserves the right to resolve, in the way they consider appropriate, any situation not foreseen in this call. 



The Open call will be open from 16 of July until 15 of August.




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