Activities // Seminar


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On December 3, an unique event took place in Lublin - the seminar "Networking - Education - Culture", which gathered as many as 74 participants involved in the development of cultural education in our city.

It was a space for inspiring conversations and exchange of experiences between representatives of schools, universities, cultural institutions, non-governmental organizations, the creative sector, as well as artists. We believe that such meetings are the key to building lasting relationships that will benefit children, teenagers, teachers, animators and creators.

At the end of the seminar, we selected the winner of an artistic residency worth PLN 5,000 - The 7th Zofia Nałkowska High School in Lublin! As part of the project, a meeting and relaxation space will be created, which will be designed jointly by students and teachers together with an artist.

On 12th December workshops with Edyta Ołdak were organised. Edyta Ołdak is graphics designer, book illustrator and cultural animator. Founder and President of the Association “Based in Warsaw”, responsible for educational programmes and visual identification of the Association’s projects and campaigns. She also provides training courses for cultural support staff, teaches evaluation and how to use available resources for self-development of visual strategies for social organisations. She is also responsible for educational programmes which are addressed to a wide audience, including people with special educational needs.

The workshops were participatory listening to the voices of various groups related to cultural education in Lublin: • producers from many institutions such as: galleries, private entities, non-governmental organizations, schools and kindergartens, after-school education institutions, cultural centers, • decision-makers, i.e. people working in the office, • participants and recipients.

The workshops, using various work tools (trend analysis, research, brainstorming, moderated discussion), aim to develop new recommendations for cultural education, its directions, goals and adequate work methods, as well as to define milestones for the coming years. It was also an opportunity to redefine the group of recipients, jointly develop methods of reaching them, and an opportunity to look not only at the needs, but also at the potential of recipients that can be used in cooperation. More photos can be found:,14,6107.html

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