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CreArt Conference: European Artistic mobilities: issues & perspectives in the future

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We are please to announce that Ville of Clermont-Ferrand will host on 2nd December the Conference: European Artistic mobilities: issues & perspectives in the future. 

The issue of mobility for artists is a central point in building a professional career: developing your network, expanding your field of experimentation, learning from elsewhere. The format of residency is the most effective tool in this regard, offering artists reception and remuneration conditions favorable for working. The 2021 conference of the European network CreArt aims to highlight the importance of mobility for artists (at a European or even national scale) and in particular through residency programs. Researchers, institutions and artists are invited to share about their questions and their experiences to enrich everyone’s perspective especially in a post-pandemic situation and within a global warming context.

See program attached. 

More info: 
12, boulevard Pasteur, Clermont-Ferrand
Contact : Direction de la culture,
Ville de Clermont-Ferrand
Fanny Martin, responsable arts visuels : ;
04 73 42 63 76



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