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The Jury from the CreArt partner, Clemont-Ferrand, has selected the 3 following artists for the Residence in Chalet Lecoq that will host in Autum 2024: 

Marija Nemcenko (Kaunas)

2023 - 2027 PhD candidate, Vilnius Art Academy, Lithuania
2016 MFA at Glasgow School of Arts (Merit), Glasgow, UK
2013 BA(Hons), Sculpture, Camberwell College of Art and Design, UAL, London, UK (1st)

I am a Lithuanian transdisciplinary artist and researcher working with archival material, film, installation, creative and critical writing. My practice emerges from a sense of displacement as a result of coming to the UK in 2008 as an economic migrant, as well as being born into an ethnically mixed family in, then USSR, now Lithuania, that inevitably placed me within different worlds. This multifaceted identity has led me to study factual and fictional parallels between the CEES (Central and Eastern European States) and SWANA regions, which I have seen coming together personally and politically at various juncture points. Being situated somewhere in between myself, I call this study “In the Search for Allies”. For the residency, I am interested in Medditarean as a geography with all its complexities and contradictions that exist between and within CEES and SWANA. It is, therefore, that I wish to explore what does and could traverse and meet there.

Franciska Anna Belane (Liepaja)

2024.Bachelor degree from Art Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Audio-Visual Media Art, Visual Communication Department.

2024. Harvard University certificate in Computer Science basics.
2023.ERASMUS exchange study semester at KASK & Conservatorium / School of Arts Gent. Ghent, Belgium.
2020 Graduated Liepaja Music, Art and Design Secondary School – diploma in Multimedia Design.

Jordan Pallagès (Clermont-Ferrand)

French visual artist, scenographer,
Born in Monaco on 22.04.1988
lives and works in Clermont-Ferrand.

For several years, I have been developing a vast work of fiction titled The Nielsson C.. It is the story of an artistic research company whose thirteen members study and analyze the concept of Heterotopia as defined by Michel Foucault, making experimental journeys to specific locations across Europe. In the course of their journey, one member after another begins to disappear. Each disappearance results in a series of pieces (drawing, photography, sculpture, installation, writing) organized into fifteen chapters. The Chalet Lecoq residency would enable me to work particularly on Chapter 9: La serre aux douze plantes disparues, in which the character of Serge Bleu becomes the protagonist of the plot. Serge Bleu is a botanist working on urban flora which has been neglected but is nonetheless present in the city. He collects and studies it. Twelve varieties of plant that are in danger of disappearing, of which Serge Bleu is the vain protector. I would like to include this residency in the narrative of this chapter as Serge Bleu taking up residence at Chalet Lecoq to study the urban flora of Clermont-Ferrand, starting from the Jardin Lecoq itself. His research will be revealed through drawing, with multiple boards exposing his work and, incidentally, revealing clues to its author’s own disappearance.



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