Eu Day of Creativity / Aveiro
European Day of Artistic Creativity | 21st March 2021
Aveiro | Program
Aveiro joins the European Day of Artistic Creativity presenting two initiatives aimed to all audiences and which, due to the pandemic context, will have a digital format, with streaming through the Facebook pages of the Museum of the City and the CreArt and the Municipal Library.
Counting with the collaboration of Aveiro Sketchers, the two workshops explore creativity through the practice of drawing and painting or using origami techniques, always in a playful spirit that invites to join the family.
1) Pintar e Brincar sempre! | Always painting and playing!
10:30 [Portugal Time]
Artist | Maria Matina, Aveiro Sketchers
Audience target | Families, all ages
Maria Matina, educator and artist, brings to CreArt a proposal of freedom, creativity and play. In this workshop for all ages, the idea is to create freely and without worries, alone or as a family, and take the time to have fun and doodle freely while listening to music. After dancing with the pencil on paper, we will shape the doodles and create images, look for meanings and to create a story, with lightness and lots of fun. The goal is that the participants finish the workshop ready to create and have fun with few resources and a lot of imagination… always painting and playing!
Material needed: Paper and drawing material of your choice (colored pencils, crayons, markers, paints, or others). It is also good to have toys, fabrics or other things nearby that help to inspire, create and tell stories at the end of the meeting.
2) Primavera de papel | Paper’ Spring
16:00 [Portugal Time]
Artist | Ana Catarina Maio, Aveiro Sketchers
Audience target | teenagers and adults
Origami is a traditional Japanese art of creating figures through paper folding, following a strict sequence of rules and proportions, which opens the door to an endless number of creative possibilities. The challenge of this workshop is the composition of a small branch of cherry blossom and a suggestion of exposure, through the combination of origami with various techniques, such as watercolor and collage by layers. Inspired by the rebirth of nature and spring we will explore life, emotion and sensitivity in origami and, through this art, build a scenario, tell a story and create our paper’ Spring. Let's fold?
Material needed
For origami: - 8 square sheets (9x9cm) of white paper (80g printer paper or similar).
For the composition: - 2 white A4 sheets of thicker paper (carton paper, kraft or watercolor paper); - Reused cardboard (from cereal box, or corrugated cardboard); - Watercolor or gouache (with brush, water and paint dilution container); - 1 branch or small branch of a tree or bush, preferably already dry; - Cotton thread and needle; - 1 cork stopper; - Scissors, x-act; - Glue (tube or hot glue); - Pencil, eraser, ruler, compass.
To celebrate this day and also evoking the World Poetry Day, on Friday 19th March, will open the exhibition “Poetry in rotation” at Atlas Aveiro.
It brings together about 150 vinyl record covers of poetry by great Portuguese and foreign poets such as Alexandre O'Neill, António Gedeão, Ary dos Santos, Bocage, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Daniel Filipe, Eugénio de Andrade, Fernando Pessoa, Florbela Espanca, José Gomes Ferreira, José Régio, Lorca, Manuel Alegre, Manuel Bandeira, Miguel Torga, Natália Correia, Pablo Neruda, Sylvia Plath, Victor Hugo, Vinicius de Moraes.
The covers of the patent discs are by José Rodrigues, Fernando Aroso, José Luís Tinoco, Nuno Calvet, among other artists
The exhibition, curated by Luiz Humberto Marcos, results from the cooperation agreement signed in 2015 between CMAveiro | Museums of Aveiro and the Museu Nacional da Imprensa. It can be visited until April 30th at the Atlas Aveiro building, complying with all safety standards in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.
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