Exposición "Mis humores gráficos" de Miguel Asensio
Address | Circular Bar & Shop c/Nicolás Salmerón 37 |
City | Valladolid |
Country | Spain |
Is it necessary to book? | No |
Art Therapy interventions
Art Therapy focused sessions for people with mental health challenges using creative and psychological approaches in this specialist therapy approach.
Who is it for? | Adults and children |
Timetable | All day- closed to the public |
Institution / Organization | SOLA ARTS |
Address | Toxteth |
City | Liverpool |
Country | United Kingdom | | |
Telephone | 0151 726 8440 |
Entry | true |
Is it necessary to book? | Yes |
This activity is not open to the public.
Exposición: Vivian Maier. El Autorretrato y su doble
Institution / Organization | Museo Patio Herreriano |
Is it necessary to book? | No |
Vivian Maier (Nueva York, 1 de febrero de 1926 - Chicago, 21 de abril de 2009) ejerció el oficio de niñera en NY y Chicago, desde 1950, durante más de cuatro décadas. Pasó una vida inmersa en el anonimato hasta el reciente hallazgo, en 2007, de su corpus fotográfico: una inmensa obra, densa e imponente, compuesta por más de 120 mil negativos, muchas películas en súper 8 mm, registros diversos, fotografías dispersas e innumerables negativos aún hoy sin revelar. Esta pasión desbordante la sitúa en nuestros días en el podio de los más grandes fotógrafos emblemáticos de la Street Photography y como un hito en la Historia de este arte junto a Diane Arbus, Robert Frank, Helen Levitt o Garry Winogrand. El descubrimiento casual de su obra, dada casi por perdida, como una “desfiguración”, interviene casi como un contrasentido, el reverso de un destino en la vida de Vivian Maier, porque es gracias a esta revelación que una sencilla “nanny” se convertirá, de manera póstuma, en Vivian Maier, Vivian Maier la fotógrafa revelada. En el conjunto de su obra encontramos temáticas recurrentes, como escenas de la calle, los retratos de personas anónimas, con los que ella pudo identificarse, el mundo de los niños que también fue el suyo durante mucho tiempo, y cierta predilección por los autorretratos. Estos últimos son numerosos en el trabajo de Vivian Maier y se traducen en múltiples formas e infinitas variantes; se transforman casi en un lenguaje dentro del lenguaje. Un desdoblamiento.
Exposición: El Circo de Fernand Léger
Is it necessary to book? | No |
La sala municipal de exposiciones de las Francesas presenta la exposición "El circo" de #FernandLéger (1881-1955), maestro singular del cubismo. La belleza del arte circense inspiró al pintor y diseñador francés, a crear una increíble obra maestra gráfica con sólo 280 ediciones en todo el mundo, que traducía su relación con el mundo del circo, con la que estuvieron vinculados también otros artistas vanguardistas de París como Degas, George Seurat y Pierre Bonnard. El conjunto de litografías, #LeCirque que presentamos aquí, es su obra grabada maestra. Publicado en París en 1950, Cirque fue una colaboración entre el pintor francés Fernand Léger y el editor de libros Tériade, y es concebido como un libro de artista. El proyecto sirve como un resumen visual y poético del interés de Léger en el circo como lugar de entretenimiento y libertad, así como una reflexión del artista acerca del final de su vida sobre los temas que ocuparon su carrera. Hasta el 24 de marzo en SME Francesas (Calle Santiago, sn, Valladolid) Entrada gratuita horario: de martes a domingo de 12 a 14h y de 18:30 a 21:30
European Day of Artistic Creativity in Lublin
Is it necessary to book? | No |
The European Day of Artistic Creativity in Lublin is an interdisciplinary event addressed to all residents of Lublin. Children, young people, adults, seniors as well as people with hearing, sight and intellectual disabilities will receive the opportunity to develop their knowledge about contemporary art as well as creative skills through numerous events organized by local artists and cultural managers on March 21st - 24th within this CreArt annual activity. The program of the European Day of Artistic Creativity in Lublin will be based on a series of free events dedicated to organized groups as well as individual recipients. During this four-day event one will be able to take part in voguing and DJ workshops, AR and VR classes and many others. As part of the offer, selected events will be translated into Polish sign language. An educational workshops for adults about Deaf Art will be conducted in Polish sign language and translated into Polish. Part of this year's celebration of the European Day of Artistic Creativity in Lublin will also include exhibitions presented at galeria Labirznt in Lublin and accompanying events – tours, meetings with artists and workshops for children. A joint exhibition of two young artists, Barbara Gryka and Julia Golachowska, titled Identity consists of small things, will take place in Galeria Labirynt | Plaza (13 Lipowa Str. in Lublin / entrance at Ofiar Katynia Str.). Inclusive Photo Laboratory exhibition organized in Galeria Labirynt (5 ks. J. Popiełuszki Str. in Lublin) will feature photographs taken by blind photographers from Kyiv. The European Day of Artistic Creativity in Lublin will be a unique time that will remind the city's residents that each of them can act creatively and try their hand at implementing even the most unusual ideas. It will also be an opportunity for the city's residents to become active participants in cultural life.
Art revitalization of the Prison Space
Address | HDLU. Croatian Assoation of Artists |
City | Zagreb |
Country | Croatia |
Entry | true |
Is it necessary to book? | Yes |
Within the framework of the EU project CreArt, Croatian Association of Fine Artists will once again mark this year’s European day of artistic creativity on March 21, by implementing the project entitled Art revitalization of the Prison Space. Under the guidance of the author of the project, Melinda Šefčić, Ph.D. Art, with the aim of creating a new, humane, supportive and nurturing environment and in purpose of aestheticization and revitalization of the prison area, four renowned Croatian artists Goran Rakić, Slaven Lunar Kosanović, Ivan Oštarčević Zgubljen and Dominik Vuković will create artistic interventions in Zagreb Prison (Remetinec) which will be presented on March 21, through guided tour for media and expert comunity while for the broader public, project will be presented through media coverage. The project will be realized through collaboration with the Zagreb Prison, Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies, University of Zagreb (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology), with the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb (Department of Criminology), and Institute for Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb. Students of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (Department of Criminology), under the mentorship of professor dr. sc. Anita Jandrić Nišević, Ph.D. will be monitoring the therapeutic influence of art on the psychosocial functioning of the convicts, their motivation and the possibility of adapting the convicts to prison conditions. Nevena Škrbić Alempijević Ph.D. and Sanja Potkonjak Ph.D. from the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology on Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies and Valentina Gulin Zrnić, Ph.D. and Sanja Đurin, Ph.D. from the Institute for Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb will do a research of the reactions to artist's work, followed by an ethnographic report. The results of the project will be published in a book and presented to the public at the conference during May at the Home of HDLU - Meštrović Pavilion.
Creava 19
Entry | true |
Is it necessary to book? | Yes |
Un año más presentamos el programa para creavadiecinueve donde encontraremos las nuevas propuestas de los artistas seleccionados para esta edición. Como ya es habitual, las muestras se realizarán en espacios alternativos repartidos por el centro de la ciudad sumando nuevos puntos ampliando así la oferta expositiva.
Seguimos files a nuestra cita en los cines Manhattan de la mano de Cine Club Casablanca que nos invita a volver a sus salas para descubrir una selección de piezas de dos nuevos creadores.
Como novedad, este año contaremos con una serie de visuales en la Sala Negra del LAVA creadas en directo por un Video Jockey, "VJ" es su abreviatura, Video-Jockey es la persona que hace VJing ¿Qué es VJing? es una amplia definición para la realización de visuales en tiempo real. Las características de VJing son la creación o manipulación de imágenes en tiempo real a través de la mediación tecnológica y para una audiencia, en sincronización con la música.
Apostando por calidad en las propuestas y continuamos con los talleres que impartirán artistas ya consagrados en CreaVA que se realizarán en el Lava – Sala 221, el Espacio Joven y la Casa Revilla en la sala Francisco de Cossío. Estos talleres son completamente gratuitos. Las plazas son limitadas.
Este año sumamos nuevo espacio expositivo en el barrio de las batallas. Studio_Hijo / Creación Contemporánea nace como estudio-taller con proyección a trabajos plásticos multidisciplinares como pintura, escultura, audiovisual, etc. Cuenta con una sala de exposiciones en la planta baja donde encontraremos la propuesta de un nuevo artista CreaVA que se une a la numerosa lista de creadores vallisoletanos. Este nuevo espacio, unido a las ya conocidas galerías Javier Silva y El Carrusel Taller de Fotografía, que como en anteriores ediciones nos presentará sus propuestas, se sumarán al resto de espacios alternativos.
También encontraremos exposiciones en los centros educativos I.E.S Delicias y la Escuela de Arte y Superior de C.R.B.C que como ya es habitual mostrarán los proyectos de los alumnos seleccionados para este encuentro.
Ya sabéis que CreaVA es una actividad del Día Europeo de la Creatividad Artística dentro del proyecto CreArt, programa europeo que coordina Museos y Exposiciones de la Fundación Municipal de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Valladolid.
Artistas: Aida Rubio / Cinta Arribas / Carlos González Castrillo / Dani Jaleos / Diez Ovejas / Héctor de la Puente / Gonzalo de Miguel / Jorge Peligro / María Tinaut / Moss Deco / Paco Villa / Patricia Martín / Pedro Martín-Calero / Primo / Víctor Beltrán / Estela Labajo Duque / Laura Oreja Pedreira y Daniel San Miguel Cid, "Lapiz y Ratón" / Laura Álvarez González y Javier Ovejas Ramos, "Tiquismiquis" / Ricardo Suárez / Rubén Herrero Molpeceres /Azucena Carbajosa / Harold De Las Heras / Isabel Merino / Manuel Pascual Tejero / Oscar López Repiso / Sofía Rodríguez Ballesteros / Sonia Vizcaya Antolín
Espacios: Galerías de Arte: El Carrusel – Taller de Fotografía (C/ Santo Domingo de Guzmán, 2); Galería Javier Silva (C/ Renedo, 8); Studio_Hijo / Creación Contemporánea (Paseo del cauce, 65). Centros Educativos: Escuela de Arte y Superior de C.R.B.C (C/ Leopoldo Cano, 20); I.E.S Delicias – Sala GaBe (Paseo de Juan Carlos I, 20). Comercios y Bares: Bang & Olufsen (C/ San Lorenzo, 10); Coco Café (Plaza Federico Wattenberg ); Frida Gabo (C/ Macías Picavea, 5); Gondomatik Wash-Bar (C/Gondomar, 20); Pintaderas (C/ Platerías, 5); Re-read (C/ Regalado, 13). Otros espacios: Cine Club Casablanca en Cines Manhattan (C/ Cervantes, 13-15); Espacio Joven (Paseo de Zorrilla, 101); LAVA – Laboratorio de Artes de Valladolid (Paseo de Zorrilla, 101); Casa Revilla – Sala Francisco de Cossío (C/ Torrecilla, 5)
City | Kaunas |
Country | Lithuania |
Entry | true |
Is it necessary to book? | Yes |
3D PRINTING We will enable children to explore the world of designs and creativity learning the technology of 3d printing. In these lessons children acquire the skills they need to generate input for a 3D printer as well as to operate it. The lessons are divided in an orientation phase, in which children learn how to operate the different software programs that operate the printer and then create 3D printable files. The lessons plan touches upon pre-existing knowledge from history, vocabulary, technical, biology and creative lessons. CERAMICS WORKSHOP Ceramic workshop develop child's imagination, creativity, spatial awareness, thoroughness. It acquaints with properties of clay, decoration, rope molding technique. Children will produce pencils holder, which will be molded in rope way, with natural motifs what reveals the child's individuality. At the end of the sessions each original pencil holder will be kilned in the ceramics oven. STAINED GLASS MOSAIC Stained glass workshop is the best way to learn how to work with glass and all the tools we use to create art glass. This year, using glass and mosaic techniques children will create decorated mirror. During this process, children will learn how to compose the colors, forms and different texture of the glass. STAINED GLASS MAP OF FEELINGS During workshop children will get acquainted with the art of glass and the glass material and its properties. Paint on glass plates using graphite and glazes. Children will explore their personal ornament reflecting the feelings of each. They will make their layers to create the map of feelings. Then works will be glued together, prepared for melting. The next day, we will see how different layers of glass melted and become one whole. PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Photography workshop for schoolchildren by Juozas Kamenskas. The photographer will organize seminars and practical activities. These photography workshop classes are fun, interactive and creative as well as educational. The instructor encourages the students to explore their own creativity and self-expression using their camera: composition and design, colour, texture, viewpoint, framing, family and faces, nature and flowers, pets, buildings, abstract and favourite objects. EBRU ART WORKSHOP Ebru art is a very interesting form of art, which involves painting on water first and later transferring it onto a paper. During this workshop children can improve their creative skills, thinking abilities as well as concentration. Experienced instructors teach the children step-by-step procedure of Ebru art during this workshop. This workshop helps the children to learn the different techniques of mixing colours, how to transfer Ebru art from water to a paper. More info:
EU Day of Artistic Creativity in Skopje
Institution / Organization | City of Skopje |
City | Skopje |
Country | Macedonia |
Entry | true |
Is it necessary to book? | Yes |
• 21.March 2019 Exhibition "PORTALI 2019"-Portals 2019 Museum of the city of Skopje/PaPa Café Galery-Skopje The Project is continuation of already started exhibition , aiming through the presentation of the work of another new young artists from Skopje, to depict the potential of the contemporary artistic scene in Macedonia. So, is an entry into the diverse world of the art through a selecton of recent works of contemporary art made by 8-10 young artists who act locally and globally with their works in varous media. They are linked conceptually in a presentation of their views that are inspired by different segments of everyday life and they are critically oriented towards the problems created by the speed of overall development, changes in the environment and communications. As a kind of open portal- metaphor of the city of Skopje, the city which is a symbol of history that was built on the basis of attempts and mistakes, perseverance and struggle for survival. The gates are open to new upgrades and researches where we can interfere with our ideas and correct the trajectory in a direction that promises new discoveries for all of us. The is going to be the main event/exhibition to be presented at March 21th, 2019, marking the Day of European Creativity in Skopje. 10 March-10 april 2019 Open Study- 2 Educational Workshops-ReBreathSk Botanical Garden Skopje The attempt to solve part of the enormous problem of air pollution in the city of Skopje can be achieved through necessary education of youth for “the language of art and science” as a powerful tool for accentuating the conditions that we face in everyday life and finding creative ways like to change the way of our own behavior that will affect the behavior of others around us. ArhiFACT-Skopje, in cooperation with PMF-Botanical Garden-Skopje, Art Studio-Tetovo, students from secondary schools in Skopje and students from several informal art and design academies in Skopje, through a series of painting / research workshops will try to produce art / design products to promote the following values. • Valuation of herbal resources as natural purifiers of the urban environment - which possesses our environment in the form of "relict dendro" specimens and endemic plants. -Through a research process of painting-drawing (conducted by children aged 7-14 years-students of Art group-Tetovo) resulting in: A set of handmade drawings sketches of selected plant species with which they would produce promotional materials for the campaign - ReBreathSk. The promotional materials would consist of: *"Herbarium-print" printed in the form of a set of 15-20 postcards, (the cards will be manually printed on recycled paper - prepared in the Workshop for children with special needs from Gevgelija); **Digital QR codes - (printed on postcards) - instead of printed texts (indicating the possibilities of modern technologies to reduce the use of unnecessary amount of paper) for detailed descriptions of botanical details of herbs and their environmental values. *** Designing promotional posters for the protection of herbal resources and their promotion as lungs of the city • Values of anti-consumerism expressed through the creative way of redesigning and reusing materials - labeled as pollutants to the environment. -Through a design craft workshop (conducted with students from non-formal arts and design academies in Skopje for 4 weeks, and under the mentorship of architects and designers from ArhiFACT) as a final product would be: * preparation of Art Bark Pavilion-constructed by the re-use of old building elements / old windows and doors, -as the core of the city in which continuous education will be carried out to promote preservation of Macedonia’s biodiversity, but also as an alternative space for presentation for further art installations and art / research projects and exhibitions of many non-governmental organizations. 15 april 2019 Exhibition Caleidoscope 2019 Art Bark Pavilion-Botanical garden Skopje Multimedia exhibition of two young photographers to be held in the Art Bark pavilion - located in the park of the Botanical Garden in Skopje - on the topic "The effects of “greenhouse" and our city ". 16th april 2019 Talk debate Art Bark Pavilion-Botanical garden Skopje Museum of the city of Skopje/ PaPa Café Galery • Talk Debate - with the theme "Creative arts as a tool for the idea of cleaner cities" will participate all the artists from Portali 2019 with their ideas for art creative city
Institution / Organization | Palazzo Ducale |
City | Genoa |
Country | Italy |
Entry | true |
Is it necessary to book? | Yes |
Genoa organizes the seminar "Between public and private. Good practices of curatorship" coordinated by the Art critic and Professor of History of Art, Alessandra Gagliano Candela, who will select a maximum of 25 participants. The seminar will reflect on the relationship between museums and contemporary art, curating initiatives, linking the public and private, the role played by foundations, fairs and galleries ... The online application form will be open until February 15 in the Open Calls section of our web.